Darcy is an avid Masters cyclist who wants to not only perform but also do better than last year in the following events: 5 Passes Tour and the Trust House Team Series (North Island). In addition Darcy wants to get stronger in the hills, increase his V02max power (105-120%), and has a goal of squatting 135kg by August. One of Darcy’s biggest obstacles is his hip mobility..
During the depths of winter Darcy’s training plan has focussed more on mobility and strength, with regular visits to the OCC Training Studio to facilitate this. When the days become longer and warmer Darcy will be switching his attention to cycle training, specifically V02max interval-based training..
While it’s early days at the point of this report, Darcy is making significant improvements to his mobility and is getting close to the 135 kg mark for his squat! CoachPaul has also helped guide Darcy reintroduce exercise since being he has been Covid positive.
Darcy Forrester | Senior Training Officer