As athletes, we’re always looking for ways to get any extra edge. It’s easy to obsess over finding that one, big, shiny key factor that will change everything, like the aero bike or that dimpled time-trial suit, but what if you could identify multiple simpler (and more affordable) off-the-bike areas that you could improve on? […]
As athletes, we’re always looking for ways to get any extra edge. It’s easy to obsess over finding that one, big, shiny key factor that will change everything, like the aero bike or that dimpled time-trial suit, but what if you could identify multiple simpler (and more affordable) off-the-bike areas that you could improve on? One of these little changes might not create a significant advantage for you, but if you can improve five or six, then the gains will start to add up!
Team Sky’s Dave Brailsford refers to this strategy as “marginal gains,” or the idea that small tweaks can add up to winning times. The well-heeled team famously travels to key races with their own mattresses and pillows, which team staff will set up in hotels each night for the riders to give them consistent sleep. While this level of detail is outside most of our budgets, we can think about the small details over which we DO have control.
Here are some “marginal” gains you might be missing: